
無遠弗屆的技術支援 F ar-Reaching Technical Support


櫻花電梯一向秉持「專業服務」的經營策略,致力於提供客戶最佳的 「產品整體解決方案」及最佳的「服務品質」,以滿足客戶的需求。 產品線著眼於「互補性」。因此,一向致力於建立完整的技術應用工 程師團隊以支援客戶在產品開發過程中所需要的專業技術支援。

Do you want to find a solution to the problem?

SAKURA ELEVATOR helps you set up, maintain elevators, solve problems, and remove machine failures.

Global Technical Support 全球技術支援服務

Our marketing strategy focuses on Global Technical Support, based on customized solutions and penetration of construction companies' supply chains. Our local branches provide technical supports and services to our clients. We have sale offices in ten countries. We are ready to expand new markets and clients.

行銷策略著重「全球技術支援服務 (Global Technical Support)」,以客製化解決方案 為基礎,切入建築商客戶之直接供應鏈,並藉由全球服務據點,就近提供技術支援服務 。目前已於十餘國設立銷售據點,未來將持續拓展新市場、新客戶。


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